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Showing posts from May, 2011

Intel 3945 Wifi Card Problem Easy Troubleshoot in Ubuntu 10.10

Recently just change my mind to switch back OS to pure Ubuntu (not its derivative). I've been using Mint version of Ubuntu derivative for 2 years. Gradually move with upgrade from Mint 5, Mint 8 to Mint 9 (KDE). Last upgrade (Mint 9 KDE) was to 64 Bit version about 8 months ago. Today just upgrade to 10.10 Ubuntu and find out that I couldn't access office wireless network. After googling, I find out a simple solution from this links So just type this in your terminal: sudo rfkill unblock wifi Type 'dmesg | grep iwl' to see the result that should inform something like this: iwl3945 0000:07:00.0: loaded firmware version And of course available Wifi Network now should appear in Network Manager applet drop down. See picture below for more verbose outcome. After this then I'll applied PAE Kernel to utilized unused 1 GB RAM in my laptop, since 32-bit linux without PAE can only used maximum 3 GB of RAM (mine is 4 GB),... hehehe I'm back to 32-bit world again,...

Behind The Scene of Processing CSV in Oracle Database using PL/SQL

Melanjutkan postingan sebelumnya: Memproses CSV yg di upload menggunakan APEX dimana penjelasan back end process dan behind the scene Saya coba paparkan semudah mungkin. Langkah-langkah mengkonversi konten CSV menjadi baris-baris tabel di Oracle Database bisa dilakukan dengan tahapan berikut init. Pasang dulu 2 fungsi yang sangat dibutuhkan yaitu: Fungsi F_CSV_CONVERT_TO_TABLE Fungsi HEX_TO_DECIMAL Fungsi F_CSV_CONVERT_TO_TABLE (Detail) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "F_CSV_CONVERT_TO_TABLE" ( p_in_string IN VARCHAR2 , p_in_encapsulator IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '"' ) RETURN wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2 AS l_string VARCHAR2(32767) := p_in_string || ','; l_quote_start_index PLS_INTEGER := 0; l_quote_end_index PLS_INTEGER := 0; l_comma_index PLS_INTEGER; l_index PLS_INTEGER := 1; l_tab wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2; i PLS_INTEGER := 1; BEGIN LOOP l_comma_index := REGEXP_INSTR(l_string, '[,...

Memproses CSV yg di upload menggunakan APEX

Setelah mencari-cari cara untuk memenuhi kebutuhan seperti judul blog ini beberapa waktu,... Akhirnya pencarian mendapatkan setitik pencerahan dari 2 link berikut: dan Dari 2 tips tersebut tampaknya jika langsung memproses binary file XLS (MS Excel) belum berhasil tetapi karena kebutuhan nya sudah bisa dicukupi dgn mengubah format file ke CSV (Coma Separated Value), akhir Saya putuskan untuk mencobanya. Mengenai bagaimana menggunakan fitur dasar File Upload dgn APEX bisa dipelajari di sini. Sekarang yg akan dijelaskan adalah post upload process dari APEX tersebut. Semua file yg diupload dgn APEX akan tersimpan di tabel APEX_APPLICATION_FILES yg merupakan alias/synonym ke tabel WWV_FLOW_FILES. Struktur Tabel APEX_APPLICATION_FILES: SQL> desc apex_application_files Name Null? Type ----------------------------...