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Configure Reverse Proxy Apache 2 for Oracle APEX 4.0

Just taking note reminder for myself, it's about how to configuring Apache 2 HTTP Server (Not OHS come with Compl CD of Oracle Database) as a front end HTTP Server for APEX 4.0 installed in Oracle XE 10g. Just follow the step as explain below: Install Apache 2.2 Server (Source can be downloaded from installed with listening port configure at 8888 Install Oracle XE 10g Database (Download from installed with listening port configure at 7777 Install APEX 4.0 (Download from After those development tools installed last thing to do is Configure Apache2 to become front server and static images server for APEX 4.0 then do the following steps: Enable/Activate module mod_proxy, proxy_http_module with LoadModule Directive. Configuration example: LoadModule proxy_module /usr/...
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Intel 3945 Wifi Card Problem Easy Troubleshoot in Ubuntu 10.10

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Behind The Scene of Processing CSV in Oracle Database using PL/SQL

Melanjutkan postingan sebelumnya: Memproses CSV yg di upload menggunakan APEX dimana penjelasan back end process dan behind the scene Saya coba paparkan semudah mungkin. Langkah-langkah mengkonversi konten CSV menjadi baris-baris tabel di Oracle Database bisa dilakukan dengan tahapan berikut init. Pasang dulu 2 fungsi yang sangat dibutuhkan yaitu: Fungsi F_CSV_CONVERT_TO_TABLE Fungsi HEX_TO_DECIMAL Fungsi F_CSV_CONVERT_TO_TABLE (Detail) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "F_CSV_CONVERT_TO_TABLE" ( p_in_string IN VARCHAR2 , p_in_encapsulator IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '"' ) RETURN wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2 AS l_string VARCHAR2(32767) := p_in_string || ','; l_quote_start_index PLS_INTEGER := 0; l_quote_end_index PLS_INTEGER := 0; l_comma_index PLS_INTEGER; l_index PLS_INTEGER := 1; l_tab wwv_flow_global.vc_arr2; i PLS_INTEGER := 1; BEGIN LOOP l_comma_index := REGEXP_INSTR(l_string, '[,...

Memproses CSV yg di upload menggunakan APEX

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Sekelumit kisah tentang Nokia N900 - Part III (Happy Ending)

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Sekelumit kisah tentang Nokia N900 - Part II

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Sekelumit kisah tentang Nokia N900 - Part I

Bermula dari ketertarikan dengan sebuah perangkat yg menurut review sangat (mungkin paling) mumpuni saat itu, sekitar April - Mei 2010. Setelah baca banyak review juga terhadap perangkat tersebut, akhirnya Saya memutuskan untuk menebus perangkat Nokia N900 tersebut pada 30 Mei 2010 , walaupun untuk mendapatkannya ternyata harus keliling dulu ke beberapa authorized reseller Nokia karena peredarannya agak terbatas. Dan ternyata setelah beberapa waktu menggunakannya memang terbukti sangat mumpuni and the device had satisfied me almost everything I need for a sophisticated device . Setelah hampir 7 bulan menggunakannya (awal Desember 2010), mulai terasa ada keanehan, gejalanya adalah kalo mau dicharge harus dalam posisi berdiri (dimana bagian mini USB Port nya berada diatas) dan kabel chargenya harus diposisikan kebelakang supaya bisa dicharge, kalo tidak begini proses charging nya jadi suka on/off. Waktu itu tidak banyak berprasangka aneh-aneh, cuman berpikiran mungkin emang perlu ada sed...

Configure Oracle APEX 3.2.1 using Embedded PL/SQL Gateway (Unsupported Feature)

Just want to share for those who don't want to setup APEX using Apache HTTP Server with mod_plsql (which will be deprecated according to latest SOD Oracle), instead using pre installed Embedded PL/SQL Gateway on top of XML DB Server feature of Oracle Database, but doesn't have the luxury of newest version of Oracle Database (as latest is 11g). Installation step should be followed normally as documented in installation guide. After APEX component installation complete (no error occured during installation) using SQL/Plus Command: SQL> @apexins SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/ *) SYSAUX should be replace by another target tablespace created earlier (recommended) For normal installation it should move to point 3.3.5 Configure the Embedded PL/SQL Gateway but after several times installation experience this always causing error 404 Unauthorized . I began to examine the instalation script, and found out that there's missing step in creation/configure of DAD (Database Access Descriptor...